Yunisha Subedi

I am an international student currently studying Bachelor’s of Science at Wilfrid Laurier International College, Canada. This dream of mine to come to Canada would have not been possible without Nobel. I would like to thank the team of Nobel Education Foundation for their utmost support and guidance. The staff at Nobel demonstrated excellent professionalism and timely communication throughout the entire process. They patiently and knowledgeably guided me through each step of an intimidating procedure, making it feel doable.
What sets them apart from any any other education consultancy is their commitment to provide excellent support to each and every student. Rather than general advices the consultant goes above and beyond to address one’s problem and provide solutions. Also the team is always very polite and helpful if you have queries regarding anything.
With the constant assistance of Nobel Education Foundation, I am now confidently starting my educational adventure. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to any student looking for an expert guidance to successfully negotiate the challenges of a university degree. Nobel is a partner in your academic success, not merely a consulting firm.

Yunisha Subedi

Wildfrid Laurier International College (WLIC)

Bachelor of Phycology


Anisha Thapaliya